Tech Ed 2006: Hands-on labs Windows Vista
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Server and Client Labs
Located in each of the Technical Learning Centers, the Hands-on Labs gave Tech Ed 2006 attendees a chance to play with a variety of Microsoft products.
As the sign says, the labs in this area focus on Microsoft server and client technologies.
Plenty of seats
Dispite the crowds, I had no trouble finding and empty seat at this Client Hands-on Lab.
Gouped by technology
Within each area, tables are setup for specific technologies–these computers were running client labs.
Lab station
Each lab station consists of a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and lab manual. The labs appeared to run on Microsoft Virtual PC and used a custom GUI interface developed by HynesITe, Inc.
Oon the left, each lab had a section for lab notes, a lab browser, and a task list. In the main lab pane on the right, were the virtual machines–some labs required more than one–and the electronic lab documentation.
Virtual PC login
From here, I can login to the first virtual machine–a Windows XP client–and start the lab. Since this is a virtual PC I had to use Right-Alt-Del instead of the familiar Ctrl-Alt-Del.
Windows Server 2003 login
This lab also created a Windows Server 2003 virutal machine for me to work with.
Managing Windows Vista
This lab was designed to showcase Vista‘s new management features.
Lab workbook
The lab workbook contained the same information as the lab‘s eletronic documentation.
Stopping Windows Search Service
Before beginning the lab, I had to disable the Windows Search Service on this Vista machine. According to one of the lab “instructors”, the Windows Vista Search Service was attempting to index the C: on the actual computers on which the labs where running. This made the virtual machines too slow to use.
Stopping Windows Search Service
The Windows Search Service Warning was also in the lab notes.
Error Message Detail
Here is the detailed information about the error message I received.

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