Technologia: A guild travel log from the World of Warcraft from Elkwinkarma
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Keres is really proud of his dancing with knives routine, but I don’t think Varimathras was impressed.
As the guild tailor with the most experience, I get asked this a lot. The answer is always yes.
There are many places to go and many places to see in the MMORPG World of Warcraft. As the TechRepublic Technologia Guild grows and its members become stronger, more and more of these areas open up for exploration. This is a brief travel log of some of the places the Technologia Guild has visited. Most of the characters in the guild are at the 25 to 40 level, so there are many more places yet to visit. You can keep a look out for additional travel logs in the future by following this tag.
Also don’t forget to check out the new TechRepublic Gallery Page for other image galleries, many of which will apply to your professional life as well as your after hours entertainment.
Keres and Elwinkarma pose for a celebrity photo with Varimathras, a boss protecting the Undercity. Keres and I were waiting for a PVP battle to ensue in the Arathi Basin.
Saw a couple of Ninjas in my travels u2013 they were vaguely familiar. (Bonky and Catervarii)
As part of Elkwinkarma’s level 30 epic Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe quest, I had to travel to Desolace u2013 a land of giants, ghosts, scavengers and a constant wind that whispers death.
The only relief in Desolace comes from the untouched coast. Warlocks have a spell that allows breathing underwater, so swimming is often the best way to travel.
Giant Thunder Lizards can be a problem if you are not paying attention.
After Desolace, the next part of the quest took me to the colorful Arathi Highlands. This is Thoradins Wall, which separates the wilderness of Arathi Highlands and the more populated area of Hilsbrad Foothills. Thanks to Myrlin I was able to complete the most treacherous part of the quest which involved defeating several lesser infernals. Basically mean little fireballs.
As I was nearing the completion of my quest for my Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe, the sky took on an ominous yet mesmerizing color scheme.
This human warlock woman made the robes for me. Don’t be fooled by her pleasant appearance, she can make you beg for mercy and when she does she enjoys it.
This is what Elkwinkarma looked like before he got his Bloodrobe. Not very intimidating.
This is what Elkwinkarama looks like now. Fear me.
Still here? I want to thank Bonky for supplying a gold bar for this quest and Myrlin for taking some damage fighting infernals. Technologia takes care of its own.

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