TechRepublic Workspace
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Workspace has four key components: Suggestions, History, Links, and Projects.rn
rnSuggestions and Projects provide you with content you might like to read or save.rn
rnLinks are your saved assets, and your History provides a look at what you’ve recently accessed.rn
rnrnPictured: Workspace Tab
Suggestions is a mix of TechRepublic content (including downloads, discussions, and blog posts) collected just for you.
rnYou don’t have to search for the TR content you like, we’ll serve up what you’ve told us you want.rn
rnPictured: Suggestions tab
Suggestions are based on the information you’ve provided in your Profile and any tags you’ve used when creating content on the site, like Links, discussion posts, or blog posts.
rn As you continue to interact with our Web site, your Suggestions will improve.rn
rnTo jumpstart the process, edit your Profile and add keywords in the Interests and Current Technology Implementation fields.rn
rnPictured: Member Profile tab
The Workspace History tab provides a look at the last few TechRepublic offerings you’ve accessed.
rnYou no longer have to try and remember where that great article was listed. Just check your History tab!rn
rnrnPictured: History tab
Projects allow you to build a more narrowly focused version of your TechRepublic Workspace by specifying tags that will filter content for you.
rnFor example, if you would like suggested content that relates only to VPN and security, set it up as a Project and view only those results. rn
rnAs you save Links to the Project, the tags associated with those items will be added to the Project tag field, to enhance the Suggestions you receive. You can edit the Project’s tag field at any time.rn
rnPictured: A Project created to find project management and management resources. The associated tags help find appropriate content.
To create a new Project, click the Create Project button on the Workspace tab.
rnIn the resulting Add a New Project screen, add a title, description, and tags to get suggestions on a narrow topic.rn
rnPictured: Add a Project screen
To save a Link from the Suggestions, Projects, or History areas, simply click the “Save” button to the right of the listing.rn
rnThe Add a Link screen allows you to add a description and edit tags for the content.rn
rnYou may choose to make the Link Public (visible to all TechRepublic members) or Private (visible only to you) using the radio buttons provided.rn
rnUse the drop down list to choose a Project. (You may add the Link to your larger collection by choosing None.)
As you save Links to specific Projects, the tags associated with those items will be added to the Project’s tag field to help you receive better Suggestions.rnrn
rnClick the “Save this Link” button.rn
rnPictured: Add a Link screen
We’ve got a Workspace ready and waiting for you. Find out what Workspace can do for you!rn
rnPictured: Workspace tab

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