Ten tech-related YouTube clips you shouldn’t miss
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Paul Holcomb’s techno version of Stevens’ “series of tubes” Net neutrality speech was turned into a video featuring vintage sci-fi and computer imagery.
This is a funny spoof ad for the “iPod Flea,” which Photoshop maven Scott Kelby showed during the keynote for his Mac Design conference. Bearing a striking resemblance to a Tic Tac mint, the iPod Flea manages to poke fun at Apple’s shrinking music players and the accessory industry that’s followed along.
This clip of a chimpanzee playing “Ms. Pac-Man“–part of what appears to be U.S. research aired on Japanese television–makes you wonder how the theory of natural selection might apply to gamers.
This “computer-generated animation of water” was done by Ron Fedkiw, a Stanford University assistant professor whose research areas include computational fluid dynamics and computer graphics.
Though it’s light on the technology, this clip of “The Extreme Diet Coke and Mentos Experiments” took the Internet by storm and had every geek doing some home science projects.
rnrnA mint-powered version of the Bellagio Fountains in Las Vegas, the video was made by “the mad scientists” at EepyBird.com.
Editor’s note: Although this video is available on YouTube, the creators have requested it be removed from the video site.
Here someone has strung together memorable Microsoft clips, such as Bill Gates getting hit by a pie, the infamous CES disaster and the Steve Ballmer developer rant.
Current TV, an Internet channel, flashed back to this prophetic 1981 news package on the computer revolution featuring a young, unscripted Steve Jobs and visions of PCs that one day would be the size of a book (gasp).
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