VisualCron screenshots
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Job Running
From here you can see the status of your jobs. On some jobs (such as watching for a file modification) you will see the status of waiting showing that the job is waiting for a trigger event to occur.
Adding an event trigger
This is where you can add triggers for VisualCron. There are many different types of triggers available, and you are free to mix and match between them.
File Trigger options
This is where you set up options on a trigger event of File. You can monitor file creation, deletion, or modification of a specific file, file extension, file names, or all files in a direcotry or sub-directory.
Email Notifications
This is where you set up your email notification within VisualCron. You can use a generic alert, or customize for each job, or even for specific events within a job.
Adding a task
These are the tasks available to you within VisualCron. These become active after a trigger event has happened. You can choose not to use a task, and just use a notification, but the use of tasks gives you a lot more power. You can also have multiple tasks per job.
Kill Task
This is where you set the options for a kill task. Once a trigger event has passed, you can kill a process (by name) on a local or remote system.
Execute Task
Here is where you configure an execute task. You can set up any executable file to run. You are also have the ability to pass arguments to the file at run time, run under a specific set of credentials, and set your process priority.
SQL Task
You can even configure your tasks to take place on a database server. You can use OLEDB or ODBC to connect to your database server (you will have to configure your connections string manually), and execute either a T-SQL command query or a stored procedure on the system you connect to.
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