Workspace chaos
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Here’s a view of the pointy end of what I laughingly refer to as my work area, where all the building, testing, and other general purpose stuff goes on. This image shows some of the assorted bits and pieces I have scrounged up over the last little while and a bit of my library of CDs, DVDs, and a few of my books for research. What you don’t see at the bottom of the picture are all the monitors I have stacked on the floor, over top of all the machines I have scrounged and am in the process of rebuilding.
I named this ‘Halloween’ because it’s scary, but it very well could be called ‘Nightmare’ because it looks more like a bad dream!
I am in the process of straightening and organizing this mess! (Believe it or not!) 🙂
I know that report is in here somewhere! BTW this is MY cube!
…My messy desk
And, this was after I disposed of thirteen junk computers.
If a cluttered desk is the sign of an intelligent mind, I must be a freakin’ genius!
I really oughta do something about this place…rnReally!
Too many things happening at once! I try at least to organize in piles, but every day brings new “priorities” that bury yesterday’s.
Believe me, I know where everything is!
This is a pic of my office on a good day.
My desk is constantly too messy. When I clean it only takes an hour to make it hard to find the memory key. The rest of my room is worse with things ready for packing and sending. Tools, manuals, disks and paper lying around. I do not want it to be that way, but things seems to have a life of their own.

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