World of Warcraft: The Cataclysm has happened
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Orgrimmar Front Gate
Last week, World of Warcraft experienced its Cataclysm. In addition to the geographic changes wrought by Deathwing the Destroyer, many other man-made (orc-made, forsaken-made, etc.) changes have been introduced as well. This gallery is a small sample of those changes. (Note to the Alliance players: This gallery is very Horde-centric.)
Here is an index of the 74 images in this gallery to help you find your way:
- 1-21: Orgrimmar
- 22-27: Azshara
- 28-32: Ashenvale
- 33-35: Stonetalon, Thunder Bluff, Desolace
- 36-41: Thousand Needles
- 42-51: Barrens
- 52-54: Durotar, Echo Isles
- 55: Gadgetzan, Tanaris
- 56-59: Brill
- 60-62: Silverpine
- 63-65: Hillsbrad
- 66-68: Loch Modan, Badlands
- 69-70: Blasted Lands
- 71-74: Stranglethorn Vale
The first of these changes that the Horde will see is likely to be the massive new Orgrimmar ramparts. This is mostly because any character that logged off inside Orgrimmar got moved outside, so they didn’t reappear inside a wall, the ground, or high in the air.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Grommash Hold
Upon entering Orgrimmar, the first thing you see is the new Grommash Hold. Garrosh Hellscream, the new Warchief, has moved his base of operations from the Valley of Wisdom in the back to here in the Valley of Strength. In order to move Grommash Hold here, the bank has been moved slightly southwest, and the flight tower has been moved to the second level.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar Inn
Orgrimmar’s Inn also got a nice upgrade, however, it is still in the same spot. There are also inns scattered elsewhere in Orgrimmar for your convenience.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Valley of Strength from Front Ramparts
Although it’s a bit difficult to find your way on the ground up to the top of the ramparts, it’s not impossible. Here’s a view of the Valley of Strength from the top.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Goblin Slums
The goblins have taken over the first portion of the Valley of Spirits and, as such, it has been renamed to the Goblin Slums. There are many trainers and vendors surrounding the oily pond in the center.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Valley of Spirits
Most of the trolls’ huts have been moved further back in the old Valley of Spirits to make this new, more condensed, Valley of Spirits. There are many trainers and vendors here as well.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Valley of Wisdom
The former location of Grommash Hold under Thrall’s rule, the Valley of Wisdom has become a tauren-dominant section of Orgrimmar. Among other non-playable characters (NPCs) is a new tauren paladin trainer.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Unfinished Hut
While most of Orgrimmar has gotten a massive facelift, several buildings are still under construction. Most of them, like this one, are in The Drag.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Valley of Honor
The Valley of Honor is the last area of Orgrimmar. It has been expanded and flattened a little to be able to house more NPCs and machinery.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Valley of Honor
Another view of the Valley of Honor. The gap in the mountain near the right is the new rear gate exit to Azshara.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
War Machines
The goblins have contributed well to the Horde in the short time they’ve been members. These war machines will be great in any future battles.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar Forge
Orgrimmar also has a real forge now — no more running to the back of the city only to find an anvil and forge sitting out in the weather.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar Back Gate
Orgrimmar’s new back exit leads to the re-made Azshara.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar Lift Tower
The Zeppelin Towers and Flight Point have been moved to the upper level (roof) of Orgrimmar. Until Azeroth flight is available, we’re stuck riding either of the two lifts to the top.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar Zeppelin Tower
One of the two Zeppelin Towers on the roof of Orgrimmar.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar from the Top Level, image 1
Orgrimmar is now a very large place. This image and the next five images show just how big it is.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar from the Top Level, image 2
Overlooking Orgrimmar
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar from the Top Level, image 3
Overlooking Orgrimmar
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar from the Top Level, image 4
Overlooking Orgrimmar
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar from the Top Level, image 5
Overlooking Orgrimmar
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Orgrimmar from the Top Level, image 6
Overlooking Orgrimmar
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Azshara Rocketway Tower
Azshara’s landscape has been severely terraformed to resemble the Horde symbol. In addition, they have built a Rocketway that circles the zone and allows players to move around quickly.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Karmawinkle on the Rocketway, image 1
Mark Kaelin was the first in Technologia, the official unofficial guild of TechRepublic, to try out the Rocketway. The next couple of images show various views along the path.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Karmawinkle on the Rocketway, image 2
The Azshara Rocketway
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Karmawinkle on the Rocketway, image 3
The Azshara Rocketway
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Karmawinkle on the Rocketway, image 4
The Azshara Rocketway
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Bilgewater Harbor
At the center of Azshara is Bilgewater Harbor, a large goblin town.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Warsong Lumber Camp Clear-cut
Heading into Ashenvale from Azshara, you immediately see that there are not nearly as many trees as before. The Warsong Lumber Camp has done a fair job of clear-cutting.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Ashenvale Lava Flow
Near the center of Ashenvale, you come upon a lava flow near the road.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Ashenvale Volcano
The lava flow is coming from this volcano.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Lord Magmathar
At the top of the volcano is Lord Magmathar. I’ve heard rumors that he’s involved in a quest chain for the zone.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Zoram'gar Outpost
Until last week, Zoram’gar Outpost was a rinky-dink troll base that had a couple of huts for buildings. The Horde has really beefed this place up.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Stonetalon Peak: Former Night Elf Base
I’m not sure what caused it, but the former Alliance base in Stonetalon Peak has been burned out, and the new one was created a short distance away.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Baine Bloodhoof
Heading into Thunder Bluff, players will notice little difference with one major exception: Cairne Bloodhoof is dead. His son, Baine, has taken his place.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Desolace not so desolate
Desolace, a zone that lives up to the feeling its name conjures up, is not nearly so desolate. Several parts of it are now green, as seen here.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Thousand Needles, image 1
During Deathwing’s rampage, he managed to destroy the ridge separating Thousand Needles from the ocean.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Thousand Needles, image 2
Not only is Thousand Needles flooded, but the Grimtotem tauren clan has taken over Freewind Post.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge, image 1
There is now a floating city called Fizzle and Pozzik’s Speedbarge where the Mirage Raceway used to be.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Fizzle and Pozzik's Speedbarge, image 2
Another view of the Speedbarge.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Great Lift, image 1
Before Thousand Needles was flooded, a Great Lift was required to reach the ground from the Barrens. That lift has been nearly destroyed.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Great Lift, image 2
Another view of the Great Lift.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Razorfen Overgrown
Just north of the Great Lift in the Barrens is the region where the Razorfen Quillboar live. Their two areas (known as the dungeons Razorfen Downs and Razorfen Kraul) are overgrown.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Desolation Hold
Nearing the middle of the Barrens, we see a new Horde base, Desolation Hold.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Great Gate
There is now a Great Gate blocking the passage between Southern Barrens and Mulgore.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Taurajo Ruins
Camp Taurajo is in ruins and has been abandoned by the tauren. This is why the Great Gate was built, and Desolation Hold was founded.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Barrens Scar, image 1
This screenshot and the next four images show various views of the Barrens Scar. Notice the greenery around the scar.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Barrens Scar, image 2
Another view of the Barrens Scar.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Barrens Scar, image 3
Another view of the Barrens Scar.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Barrens Scar, image 4
Another view of the Barrens Scar.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Barrens Scar, image 5
Another view of the Barrens Scar.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
For all the work the Horde did in building up its bases, I’m surprised to see that Crossroads still retains its classic orc architecture.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Durotar Flooded - Southfury Watershed
A large section of the orc/troll starting area, Durotar, is now flooded.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Drowned Thunder Lizard
The flooding included a region named Thunder Ridge. There were Thunder Lizards roaming through this area, but they have drowned in the flood waters.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Echo Isles
Thanks to the valiant efforts of heroes of the Horde, the trolls have reclaimed the Echo Isles and made them into a new training ground for new heroes.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Gadgetzan and Tanaris
The final highlight for Kalimdor is Gadgetzan in Tanaris. The city has been enlarged to allow room for both flight points. Also, the ocean has flooded much of the terrain on the eastern side, bringing it up nearly to the Gadgetzan walls. Steamwheedle Port is underwater, so the docks have been moved to the city.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Undercity Zepplin Tower
Moving on to the Eastern Kingdoms, we find many examples of the newer Forsaken architecture. While the Undercity has not been altered much, many of the other Forsaken towns and outposts now look more like the towns in Northrend. The first example is the zeppelin towers. The buildings have been altered to the new skins and look much less ramshackle and more like Transylvania.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Brill, image 1
The first town many players will probably notice changes to is Brill. In addition to walls around most of the city, all of the old, burned out buildings have been replaced.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Brill, image 2
Another view of Brill. These are the stables where you purchase your skeletal horses.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
Brill, image 3
The Forsaken have also erected a statue of their banshee queen, Sylvanas Windrunner, in the center of Brill.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Mark Kaelin for TechRepublic.
New Silverpine Road
Players heading into Silverpine will notice the old stone path has been replaced by a well-paved road.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Cart on Silverpine Road
Another new feature that Blizzard has added to the game is the ability to transport between quest hubs in a zone. In Silverpine, players can use this cart (pulled by a grotesque creature) to move between three quest hubs.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Greymane Wall
Players of WoW Classic will remember the Greymane Wall and the few humans huddled against it. Because of Deathwing’s rampage, the wall has been damaged and the gate destroyed, reconnecting Gilneas to the outside world. I explored a little of Gilneas, and it is completely devoid of population. Perhaps we’ll either see why or see some occupants once the expansion is released.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Sludge Fields Work Camp
Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains have been combined, as far as maps go. In this new Hillsbrad Foothills, the Horde (particularly the Forsaken) have completely taken control of the zone. The first example is Hillsbrad Fields. It appears the Forsaken tested early versions of their Wrath Gate plague on the people of this small town, turning them all into zombies. The Forsaken have built walls around the old town and converted it to a work camp.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Brazie Farmstead
The old Lordamere Internment Camp, used to contain the orcs after the second war, has been taken down and replaced by Brazie Farmstead, run by a goblin farmer named Brazie the Botanist. Brazie Farmstead is a small quest hub where players are able to do a mini-game called “Plants vs. Zombies.”
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
The Forsaken have also conquered Southshore and evicted (or worse) the humans living there. Not much has been done to alter the place, however.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Loch Modan Dam
One of the major scenes depicted in the WoW Cataclysm cinematic intro was the destruction of the Loch Modan dam. As you can see, it is barely still present. Also, the lake it held back is almost completely gone.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
During The Shattering, Deathwing also tore through the Badlands, leaving a scar where his tail drug the ground. He also caused mountains to move and buried the Horde base of Kargath.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
New Kargath
Quick to respond, the Horde rebuilt Kargath a short distance away and named it New Kargath.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Naga have Murloc slaves
The Blasted Lands at the southeastern tip of the Eastern Kingdoms is now opened up and has plenty of coastline to explore. Here Naga have enslaved Murlocs and are forcing them to carry supplies to their base.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Tainted Forest
Formerly known as the Tainted Scar where Lord Kazzak was trapped after the Third War, the Tainted Forest is no longer a barren wasteland, but I suspect it is not altogether safe, given its ominous name.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Formerly a 40-man raid instance in WoW Classic, Zul’Gurub has been relegated to a normal outdoor zone suitable for questing within the level range of its surrounding territory in Northern Stranglethorn Vale. It retains the same layout.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Booty Bay, image 1
Another very prominent scene in the cinematic is the massive tsunami that bore down on the good goblins of Booty Bay. In this first view of the town, you can see the large goblin statue is very damaged from its bath.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Booty Bay, image 2
Another view of the destruction of Booty Bay. The area at the far right used to look like the prow of a ship equipped with cannons; now it is just a rocky outcropping.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.
Booty Bay, image 3
In the main town section of Booty Bay, many of the buildings are under repair following the tsunami.
For more about Cataclysm, read my Geekend posts: World of Warcraft: The beginning of the Cataclysm and World of Warcraft: Prelude to Cataclysm.
Screenshot of World of Warcraft game client by Wally Bahny for TechRepublic.