Your social media levity for the dark days of winter
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Carrot Facts, @RealCarrotFacts
The science behind Carrot Facts is dubious, but the humor is real. It’s clear the person behind this account has a certain passion for carrots (and also some lingering feelings for someone named Megan).
AntiComedian, @jokesisntfunny
Finally, a buzzkill on the internet. You’ll dig this account if you’re into poking holes in other people’s fun and complaining about it online.
Emergency Kittens, @EmrgencyKittens
This is the internet, after all. Get your fix of small furry kittens, whenever you need it. High point: Any pic of a kitten wearing a bow tie.
Faces in Things, @FacesPics
They (whoever that is) say humans have a tendency to see faces in things. This Twitter account posts pictures of the surprising places where eyes, noses, and mouths, turn up — like on the sides of buildings, or in fruit.
Coffee Dad, @Coffee_Dad
Coffee Dad is so single-minded. He also has no idea how to use a hashtag. That doesn’t seem to matter, though, as even his most basic tweets (“making coffee”) rack up thousands of favorites and retweets.
Tilda Swinton, @NotTildaSwinton
Bizarre, oddly poetic, this parody account for the ethereal actress is a fascinating collection of head-scratching tweets.
Animal Mashups, @AnimalMashups
What could be more delightful than a hummingbird with the head of an alligator? Perhaps, a cat fused with a penguin. Animal Mashups has all these and more.
LA Scanner, @LAScanner
Every night, #ScannerOn means weirdly clever tweets about criminal activity in the Los Angeles area. Check out the one above from early morning on Christmas Day 2012.
Preschool Gems, @PreschoolGems
You can count on little kids to be sweet, funny, weird, and unintentionally profound (“I’m not broken, I’m a human.”). Preschool Gems corral the best bits of insight from the under-five crowd.
Bored Elon Musk, @BoredElonMusk
Must be nice to have all that excess brain energy. Some of Bored Elon‘s idea are wacky, like pillows made of Bioru00e8 strips (also, gross) and others are actually pretty sharp, like headphones that turn down their own volume when they sense someone walk up behind you.
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