Cheat sheet: Apple iCloud (free PDF)
iCloud is Apple’s cloud file storage and services platform. The service permits users to leverage secure and highly reliable cloud computing features and capabilities to store and share a wide variety of files, locate lost equipment, and synchronize information across multiple devices.
Apple’s iCloud includes multiple features and components. The features included with iCloud are iCloud Drive, iCloud Storage Plans (additional file storage), iCloud Photo Library (cloud-based photo storage), Family Sharing (account and resource sharing), Safari and iCloud Keychain services, and more.
We’ll periodically update this cheat sheet when new information is available about iCloud.
From the cheat sheet:
WHAT IS iCloud?
Apple’s iCloud service permits users to store, back up, access, view, edit, and share a variety of files and information, including documents, spreadsheets, presentations, photos, videos, music, email, bookmarks, and more across multiple devices and platforms, including with other authorized users. The devices across which iCloud users can share files include Macs, iPhones, iPads, iPod touches, and Windows PCs and tablets.