Holiday survival guide (free PDF)
The holiday season is here. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the parties, gift-gifting, and gift-receiving, not to mention the seemingly never-ending flow of goodies to eat during the holiday season. Before taking a deep-dive into the merriment, check out the TechRepublic’s Holiday survival guide.
You’ll learn the best options for side jobs to help pay for holiday tech gifts. Traveling for the holidays? Make sure to read about the biggest tech traveling threats. Also in this free PDF download are recommendations for holiday tech gifts for people you secretly hate, the best gifts for mobile users, and the best screen-free gifts for yourself. In addition, learn the do’s and don’t of giving holiday gifts to your co-workers.
From the download:
Ever find yourself in a position to need to buy a gift for someone you just don’t like? Perhaps an in-law, or obstinate niece or nephew? Or, just looking to avoid terrible gifts? TechRepublic assembled the worst possible gift ideas—products that you can give to people that serve as the holiday equivalent of “Here, it’s your problem now.” In other words, the digital equivalent of buying a drum set for your nephew to irritate your brother.