Special feature: Managing the multicloud (free PDF)

A multicloud approach has been talked about for years within enterprises, but few companies have gone that direction. Now it’s easier to go multicloud and AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform all share customers. Here’s a look at managing multiple cloud providers, how to play them off each other and what vendors and tools (Red Hat, OpenStack, VMware) can help you manage multiple clouds.

This ebook, based on the latest ZDNet/TechRepublic special feature, offers a detailed look at what multicloud is and how companies have been putting it to work.

From this ebook:

Cloud computing adoption is well established in enterprises, SMEs and startups. But how much cloud should a business adopt? How should workloads be deployed–across public, private and hybrid clouds? And if multiple cloud providers (public and/or private) are used, which ones should you choose, and how can they be managed to a business’s best advantage?

This article examines some of these questions, while the remainder of this ZDNet/TechRepublic special report covers these and other multicloud-related issues in more detail.

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