Analytics: Turning big data science into business strategy (free PDF)

Today’s most successful companies know how to turn data into actionable business insights that drive digital transformation. In this special feature, ZDNet and TechRepublic reporters examine how advances in artificial intelligence (AI), visualization and cloud technology are shaping modern data analytics and how businesses are addressing data governance and a potential data science skills gap. Find out more in this free PDF download.

In the download:

  • Data-driven 2021: Predictions for a new year in data, analytics and AI
  • Research: Executive management recognizes the business value of analytics
  • The 5 best data visualization tools for every business
  • Everything you need to know to land a job in data science
  • 5 ways to use data to make better business decisions
  • Chief customer officers define four strategies to connect with customers in the next normal
  • Gartner: Top 10 data and analytics technology trends for 2021
  • Levi’s Katia Walsh on AI: You can do a lot with 168 years of data
  • Data, analytics, machine learning, and AI in healthcare in 2021

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