Linux Mint: How to get up and running (free PDF)

The recently released Linux Mint 19.1 has already garnered a lot of praise and support. This ebook looks at what sets it apart, how to install it, and how you can take advantage of its features and enhancements.

From the ebook:

The latest Linux Mint point release (19.1) came out the week before Christmas. I always have Mint loaded on all of my various laptops and my desktop system, in various states of update/release, so I have gone through and updated all of them to this new release. There are four ways to do this, depending on your starting point:

  • Fresh installation (duh): If you don’t have Mint already installed, or your installation is old enough that you think it is time for a clean start, this is the way to go.
  • Upgrade from Linux Mint 19. This is relatively easy and fast.
  • Upgrade from Linux Mint 18.3 (or earlier). This is much more tedious and time consuming.
  • Update from Mint 19.1 Beta: I had installed the 19.1 Beta release from scratch on one system, so I was curious about what it would take to bring that one up to the final release. (It didn’t take much.)

Before doing any kind of installation or upgrade, there are some documents you should read:

  • The Release Announcement gives a brief overview of the Cinnamon edition; there are very similar announcements for the MATE and Xfce versions.
  • For more detailed information about what is new and different in this release, there is a What’s New in Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon document, and of course corresponding documents for MATE and Xfce. These are absolutely packed with interesting and useful information, so be sure to take the time to read the appropriate one carefully.
  • The Release Notes provide extremely useful information about known issues, workarounds, solutions, and possible limitations. Also, of course, for the MATE and Xfce versions.
  • If you are going to upgrade from a previous Mint release, read How to Upgrade to Linux Mint 19.1.

After reading the release announcement, I decided to make the easiest step first — just upgrading the system which I already had running 19.1 Beta to the final release. This is a very simple two-step process; first, use the Update Manager to apply all available updates, and reboot; then, use the following command to install one additional package:

sudo apt install xul-ext-lightning

That’s it!

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