As the everything-as-a-service model takes over enterprise IT, more companies than ever are using multiple cloud providers such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform, and others.
This free PDF ebook, based on the latest ZDNet/TechRepublic special feature, offers a detailed look at what multicloud is and how companies have been putting it to work.
In the ebook:
Cloud computing in the real world: The challenges and opportunities of multicloud
Research: Multicloud deployment increases among enterprises
Top cloud providers in 2020: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, hybrid, SaaS players
CIO Jury: 75% of CIOs say cloud vendors are living up to their expectations
Enterprise leader’s guide to building a successful multicloud strategy
Freedom of cloud choice: The myths and truths about multicloud
Australian Red Cross lifts IT maturity through multicloud transition
Multicloud deployments become go-to strategy as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud grab wallet share
And more!