The top 10 languages for machine learning hosted on GitHub (free PDF)

GitHub assembled a list of the most popular languages used for machine learning that it hosts on its site—some of which may surprise you. This ebook offers a concise overview of the top 10 languages and their most highly rated repositories.

From the list:

You might think that machine learning is reserved for developers well-versed in languages like R and Python, but you’d be wrong.

Online code repository GitHub has pulled together the 10 most popular programming languages used for machine learning hosted on its service, and while Python tops the list, there are a few surprises in there.

Web-scripting language turned jack-of-all trades JavaScript finds its way to number three on the list; data science-focused newcomer and Python rival Julia makes number six; Shell scripts are bundled together at number seven; and big data favorite Scala is at number 10.

The rankings are based on the primary languages used in code repositories tagged as related to machine learning, according to GitHub.

However, they almost certainly don’t reflect which languages are most commonly used for machine learning. A recent Kaggle survey of data scientists flagged Python as the most popular language and R as the language they are most likely to use at work.

But if you only know JavaScript or another language not generally associated with machine learning and want to dabble in a spot of computer vision or natural language processing, it’s good to know it’s at least possible.

These are the top 10 machine learning languages on GitHub, according to the site’s figures.

1. Python

    Highly rated machine-learning repositories

        sci-kit learn: Popular library for data mining and data analysis that implements a wide range of machine learning algorithms
          Machine Learning From Scratch: Bare bones but accessible implementations of machine learning models and algorithms
            ChatterBot: A machine learning, conversational dialog engine for creating chat bots

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