Windows 10 logo key shortcuts to speed your work (free PDF)

The Windows 10 logo key makes it easy to perform all sorts of tasks more efficiently–from opening System Properties to cycling through programs on the Taskbar to moving a window from one monitor to another. If you master even a handful of the shortcuts on this list, you’ll shave a lot of time off your everyday chores.

From the list:

When it comes to keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Windows 10, I admit to being a bit of a novice. I fall back on the menu system–or now that it’s available by default in Windows 10, I use the Cortana search box located on the Start Menu. But as the following list shows us, there are definitely opportunities for increased efficiency within the matrix of keyboard shortcuts.

One of the more powerful, and probably least used, set of keyboard shortcuts involves the Windows logo key, which is common on most keyboards packaged with a Windows-based personal computer these days. Table A offers a rundown of these productivity-boosting shortcuts.

Table A

  • Windows logo key: Open or close the Start menu
  • Windows logo key: Display the desktop
  • Ctrl + Windows logo key + B: Switch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area

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