Extend your Availability Strategy to the Cloud with Veeam & Microsoft Azure

This whitepaper explains how IT administrators can use Veeam® Availability Suite’s™ Veeam Cloud Connect capabilities to build their cloud backup services serving internal customers such as subsidiaries or business units.

Read the whitepaper and learn:

  • How to use Veeam Cloud Connect for the Enterprise, available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace, to configure multi-tenant (multi-customer) backup stores in just 10 minutes.
  • How Veeam Cloud Connect provides all the capabilities needed to manage cloud backup repositories, including setting up tenants, assigning quotas and tracking usage.
  • How cloud backup repositories for tenants are completely isolated from one another, and how customers can encrypt their backups.
  • How subsidiaries can connect to their cloud repositories directly from the Veeam backup console — seamlessly, securely and with a standard internet connection, with no VPN required.
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    This is your go-to resource for the latest news and tips on the following topics and more, XaaS, AWS, Microsoft Azure, DevOps, virtualization, the hybrid cloud, and cloud security. Delivered Mondays and Wednesdays

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