illustration of a file transfer in the cloud
Image: Adobe

SFTPGo is an open-source SFTP server that is highly configurable and offers plenty of features to make it a viable option for just about any type of business or even home usage. SFTPGo supports a number of storage backends, such as local filesystem, encrypted file systems, S3 Object Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, and even other SFTP Servers.

SFTPGo is available for Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, and Windows. I want to walk you through the process of deploying SFTPGo on Ubuntu Server 22.04, so you can enjoy a fully-featured SFTP server on your network.

SEE: 40+ open source and Linux terms you need to know (TechRepublic Premium)

What you’ll need

In order to make this work, you’ll need a running instance of Ubuntu Server 22.04 (which can be in your data center or a third-party cloud host) and a user with sudo privileges. Let’s make some SFTP magic.

How to install SFTPGo

The first thing we must do is install SFTPGo. To do that, we have to add the official repository. Log into your Ubuntu instance and issue the command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sftpgo/sftpgo

Once the repository has been added, install SFTPGo with:

sudo apt-get install sftpgo -y

The installation should go off without a hitch and start/enable the SFTPGo service. That’s it for the installation.

How to access the SFTPGo web UI

Open a web browser and point it to http://SERVER:8080 (Where SERVER is the IP address or domain of the hosting server). You should be greeted by the admin user creation page (Figure A).

Figure A

Create an admin account in sftpgo
The SFTPGo admin user creation page. Image: Jack Wallen

Type a username and then type/verify a password for the new user. Click Create Admin and you’ll then be transported to the SFTPGo main window (Figure B).

Figure B

SFTPGo main window with access to files and settings.
The SFTPGo main window is where all the magic happens. Image: Jack Wallen

How to create a new user

Now that SFTPGo is up and running, you’ll want to create users, so that people can actually access it. To do that, click Users in the left navigation and, in the resulting window (Figure C), click +.

Figure C

SFTPGo user management menu.
The User management page in SFTPGo. Image: Jack Wallen

In the resulting window (Figure D), fill out the Username/Password field and, if necessary, paste the public key for the user. I do highly recommend adding the public key, for more security, but that will depend on if your users have generated their SSH key pairs or not.

Figure D

Add new user details in the new user page.
The SFTPGo user creation page. Image: Jack Wallen

You can also configure groups, home directory, ACLs, disk quota, and more. Once you’ve configured the new user, click Submit to save the information.

How to create a virtual folder

Before you actually add a virtual folder for a new user, you must first create the folder. To do that, click on Folders (in the left navigation). In the resulting window, click +, and then fill out the necessary information for the folder (Figure E).

Figure E

create a new folder in sftpgo.
Adding a new folder in SFTPGo. Image: Jack Wallen

Once you’ve created a new folder, it will then be available to add as a virtual folder that users can access (you can go back and edit a user to add a virtual folder). To give users access to the virtual folder, give the folder a name (in the user creation page) and then select the existing folder from the drop-down (Figure F).

Figure F

add a new virtual folder to sftpgo.
Mounting the /data directory to a virtual folder, named vfolder, for a new user. Image: Jack Wallen

That virtual folder will always be available to users and you can share it with multiple users. Only those virtual folders will be accessible globally (and only if you add them to each user’s profile). You can also add as many virtual folders to a user’s profile as needed.

WebClient vs. WebAdmin

There’s one little trick you’ll need to know for SFTPGo. Once you’ve logged out as the admin user, when you go to log back in, it will default to the WebClient interface, which does not include any of the admin bits. If, in the login screen, you see WebAdmin listed below the Login button (Figure G), you’re logging into the WebClient interface.

Figure G

the login screen looks deceptive on SFTPgo
The SFTPGo login screen makes one think they are logging into the admin console. Image: Jack Wallen

If, however, you look at the URL, you’ll see it’s clearly


If you click WebAdmin, the URL changes to


Even your SFTPGo admin user can log into the regular client console.

Once you’ve created the users (along with their virtual folders), those users can log in and start working with the SFTPGo web interface, which makes it incredibly easy to upload, download, and manage files and directories.

SFTPGo is one of the easiest FTP servers you can deploy to either your data center or cloud-based host. With a simple user interface and plenty of features, it’s sure to become your go-to for FTP file serving.

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