You’ve long been able to take and save screenshots in Windows 10 using the Snipping tool, but with the Windows 10 October 2018 Update, there’s a new screenshot tool in town. Known as Snip & Sketch, this app can take a shot of the entire screen, a rectangular section, or a freeform area that you draw. You can take an immediate screenshot or set it to snap via a timer. You can modify your screenshot by cropping, highlighting, writing on, or drawing on the image. When you’re done, you can save, copy, and share the final image.
To open Snip & Sketch, click the Start button, scroll down the Apps list, and select the Snip & Sketch shortcut. To access Snip & Sketch more quickly, click the Action Center icon and select the action for Screen Snip. Alternatively, open Settings, select Ease Of Access, and then click the Keyboard setting. Scroll down the keyboard screen and turn on the switch to Use The PrtScn Button to open screen snipping. To take a screenshot with Snip & Sketch, just press PrtScn.
SEE: Windows 10 Start menu hacks (TechRepublic Premium)
The Snipping menu pops up with three options.
Click the first icon and draw a rectangle around the content you want to capture (Figure A).
Figure A
Click the second icon and draw freeform around the part of the screen you want to capture (Figure B).
Figure B
Click the third icon to capture the entire screen (Figure C).
Figure C
A notification window pops up telling you that the snip was saved to the clipboard. Click anywhere in that window (Figure D).
Figure D
The full Snip & Sketch program opens–you can now modify the screenshot by drawing on it. To use your finger or a stylus to draw on the image, click the button for Touch Writing. Otherwise, you can use your mouse to draw. Then, choose the type of drawing tool you wish to use: Ballpoint pen, pencil, or highlighter. To change the color and/or size of the tool, click the down arrow for the icon. Select the color or size. Draw on the screenshot as you see fit (Figure E).
Figure E
You can undo or redo each of your previous actions one at a time by clicking the Undo or Redo icon. To erase any markings, click the Eraser icon and draw over the line you want to remove. To remove all markings, click the down arrow on the Eraser icon and select the option to Erase All Inking (Figure F).
Figure F
To help you draw a straight line, click the Ruler icon. Position the on-screen ruler. Select the drawing tool you want to use. Then, draw near any of the four sides of the ruler, and the line is drawn perfectly straight (Figure G).
Figure G
To draw a circle or any part of a circle, click the down arrow for the Ruler icon and select Protractor. Position the on-screen protractor and select your drawing tool. Draw the circle or curve around the protractor (Figure H).
Figure H
To turn off the ruler or protractor, click the Ruler icon and select the tool you want to turn off.
Next, you can crop the image. Click the Image Crop icon. Drag one or more of the fill handles to resize the image (Figure I).
Figure I
If you’re happy with your screenshot, click the Save icon. Name the image, and you can then save it as a JPG, PNG, or GIF.
To copy an image, click the Copy icon. You can open a different image editor or a program such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint and paste the image.
To share an image, click the Share icon and choose your sharing option, such as email, social media, or online storage (Figure J).
Figure J
The app offers more options. From the full Snip & Sketch window, you can time your screenshot. Click the New icon and then select either Snip in 3 seconds or Snip in 10 seconds. You can load virtually any type of image file to annotate it. Click the ellipsis icon and select Open With to open it in a different image editor. Click Print to print it. Finally, click Settings to tweak the program’s options (Figure K).
Figure K