For Apple fans out there, Steve Jobs has revealed some novelties from the upcoming iPhone OS 4.0. With the latest iteration of the OS, you’ll be able to run apps simultaneously, as well as organise them in folders, manage your email better and have VoIP and location services in the background. Annoyingly for users, and clearly a direct attack on Google, the new release will feature an advertising platform called iAd, which will allow developers to build ads directly into their applications. For photos of the new features in iPhone OS 4.0, take a look at this photo gallery:,339028306,339302309,00.htm.

Staying true to its naming convention, the next version of Ubuntu 10.10, due out in October this year, will be called Maverick Meerkat. The most visible change in the new operating system will probably be the adoption of GNOME 3.0 desktop environment. Further on the subject of Ubuntu, users have been reporting usability problems with its new interface, rearranged in version 10.04 LTS.

Microsoft is to offer a free Starter 2010 edition on new PCs, featuring limited versions of Word and Excel, with rotating ads. The software giant has also released the second beta of HPC Server 2008 R2 this week.

Check out this week’s videos for coverage from the iPad launch in San Francisco and whether the iPad has the potential to kill off the netbook. Lastly, take a look at what the iPad is made of in the following photo gallery:,339028306,339302215,00.htm.

Posted by Lana Kovacevic

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