With Javascript developer salaries averaging over $100,000, it’s well worth acquiring the necessary skills if you don’t want to hire one for your company or would like to start a business of your own as a freelancer. It’s also one of the easiest programming languages to learn.
If you’d like to develop JavaScript skills at your own pace, The 2023 Javascript Developer Bootcamp Certification Bundle has what you need.
No previous tech experience is necessary to learn from the eight courses in this bundle. You’ll find lots of hands-on training in both “JavaScript for Beginners: The Complete Introduction to JS” and “JavaScript from Scratch: The Ultimate Beginners Course.”
You can also start with the comprehensive “JavaScript Beginner Bootcamp 2022,” a 20-hour course that covers skill levels from beginner to professional. You can even immerse yourself more deeply with “The 2022 JavaScript Developer Bootcamp” course because it offers 37 hours of content.
Best of all, you’ll discover in this bundle that learning JavaScript can actually be fun. Learn how to code by developing a game in “JavaScript DOM Pacman Game Project: Learn JavaScript Code,” and the “Develop & Publish a Google Chrome Extension” course demonstrates how to build Chrome extensions, as well as many other practical skills.
The “Complete Full-Stack JavaScript” course teaches you high-dollar skills, such as building a chat app. Then, once you’ve completed “The Complete JavaScript Developer Course: Build a Professional Project,” you can apply with confidence for lucrative positions
JavaScript is considered one of the best resources for creating and developing efficient mobile apps, especially for Android. Boost your bottom line with JavaScript skills and get The 2023 Javascript Developer Bootcamp Certification Bundle now while it’s only $29.99.
Prices and availability are subject to change.