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  • #4015313

    2 different IP addresses in same household


    by michaelwiz88 ·

    Hey All-

    So I work for a company that monitors my IP4 address occasionally as we are not supposed to have more than one person doing certain roles at this company from the same IP address. The issue is my wife wants to apply so we are trying to figure out a way to get her a different IP4 address. A VPN is not allowed as somehow they know you are on one.

    Obviously, we would both be working from separate Desktop PCs, but off the same wireless network — So what are the options for us to get a different IP address for one of the computers that looks “local” i.e. not a VPN.

    From my research, the only way I found that seems doable is to run one of the computers off a cell phone hotspot, but that would be a pain to have to remember to do that every day for 4-8 hours.

    Please help with any ideas– Thanks in advance!

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    • #4015323
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      Re: IP-address

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to 2 different IP addresses in same household

      The IP-address is not from your PC, but from your (cable, ADSL, glass fiber, satellite, …) modem. That’s the device that is connected to the Internet.

      So it seems you have 4 options:
      – discuss this with HR of the company so they can take the situation as it is into account when monitoring
      – take a second subscription with another internet provider that uses another technology (I don’t think they can give you 2 IP-addresses over the same line, but you have to ask if it’s possible) – that gives you a second modem, a second router and a second WiFi (if you can’t use an Ethernet-cable) – just autoconnect to the second WiFi on the second desktop
      – use the cell phone hotspot connection as default on one of the two desktops 24 hours a day (it’s an automatic connect, so it can’t go wrong), in stead of having a subscription with another ISP
      – ask your neighbours if your wife can use their WiFi (sharing the costs)

      • #4016377

        Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

        by michaelwiz88 ·

        In reply to Re: IP-address

        Thanks for the comments. I took your advice and contact my ISP (AT&T Fiber) and they have the option to add 5 separate IP addresses to my account for $15/month. So I took that route. But I am not a tech guy so here is where I am confused; When I go into the CMD prompt for each PC and run IPCONFIG, the IPv4 addresses on the 2 computers are now different, but when I go to a site like, both computers show the same IPv4 address!?

        Am I missing something or completely misunderstanding something here?

        • #4016784
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          Re: IP-address

          by kees_b ·

          In reply to Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

          The internal IP-address of every device is different, and that’s as itg should be. But apparently they now are linked to the same external IP-address. That’s what sites like whatismyipaddress see and what your employer sees.

          Contact AT&T or look at their help pages on how to use those extra extra addresses you pay for.

    • #4015385
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      Our cable company offered such.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to 2 different IP addresses in same household

      As Kees noted, this IP is the PUBLIC IP and not what is on your LAN.

      First, our cable company offered such but at a cost. For us it’s 50USD a month and another 50USD for the second IP.

      Second, unless the company installed monitoring software on the PCs I have doubt they monitor your public IP traffic.

      On top of that, they can’t crack what I do when I turn on my VPN, unless they installed monitoring software on my PC which is not allowed here because I own my PC, it’s not supplied by the company I was working for.

      If it was company supplied then they could only monitor that one PC. Anything done on un-monitored PCs can’t be seen. And if I thought they could, I’d turn on the VPN and they are shut out.

      • #4016378

        Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

        by michaelwiz88 ·

        In reply to Our cable company offered such.

        Thanks for the comments.

        The company does not have any monitoring software on either computer, they are our own personal PCs, but we do use a proprietary web-based tool that is what they may be using to scan IP addresses that are overlapping? As for the VPN, I tried using a VPN on one of the accounts to test and got an email within 24 hours that a VPN is now allowed, so they must know somehow.

        I ended up contacting my ISP (AT&T Fiber) and they have the option to add 5 separate IP addresses to my account for $15/month. So I took that route. But I am not a tech guy so here is where I am confused; When I go into the CMD prompt for each PC and run IPCONFIG, the IPv4 addresses on the 2 computers are now different, but when I go to a site like, both computers show the same IPv4 address!?

        Am I missing something or completely misunderstanding something here?

        • #4016403
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          Let’s talk about most home Internet setups.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

          You have the Internet to a ROUTER so for more than one Internet IP address you need either a cable modem that has support for those addresses and then one Internet IP to each ROUTER.

          Yes, you need to either get more routers or go with no router (rare!)

          I can’t design your new system but as it stands, you are paying for something you can’t use yet.

        • #4016496

          Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

          by michaelwiz88 ·

          In reply to Let’s talk about most home Internet setups.

          I have tried countless times over the past few days chatting with AT&T to get some info, but sadly no one there really seems to know enough to tell me how to access them. Everyone keeps sending me this info below, but I really don’t know what to do with it and no one at AT&T seems to know either? Also, here are some pics of the modem/router provided by AT&T if that helps?

          Block Size: 8 CIDR:

          Subnet Mask:

          Gateway IP:

          Starting IP:

          Ending IP:

          Primary DNS:

          Secondary DNS:

        • #4016498

          Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

          by michaelwiz88 ·

          In reply to Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

          Well I can send pics one this forum but its the BGW210 wifi gateway provided by AT&T if that helps?

        • #4016506
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          To avail yourself of more than one Internet IP.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Reply To: 2 different IP addresses in same household

          You would google “configure an AT&T (Arris) BGW210-700 router for IP Passthrough mode”

          Then you would connect that (most likely setup) to a small Ethernet switch and then to two routers.

          This is not an easy or trivial setup. I do not offer a step by step but there are many discussions on the web.

          In short, you must be advanced in your networking skills and have all the right hardware.

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