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  • #2075483

    2 instances of novell application explor


    by shanepj ·

    We upgraded to Zenworks 2.0 from Zen 1.1 and now are getting 2 instances of application explorer running on the same client computers. It is network wide but not on all machines. we are running win 95 with novell client 3.1. Any suggestions on this or has anyone ran into it?

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  • Author
    • #3783548

      2 instances of novell application explor

      by jeff1410 ·

      In reply to 2 instances of novell application explor

      Look at where the App Exlorer is being run from. If you run it from the container login script is it in there twice? Is it a statement in the user login and container script?

    • #3783926

      2 instances of novell application explor

      by golfkinguk ·

      In reply to 2 instances of novell application explor

      I had the same thing happen. It is getting called twice. In my case there were 2 instances in the login script. One was with a win9x variable, the other was with an NT variable. Both were running for any machine. Also check that it is not getting called via 2 group associations. My script reads:
      REM ***** Added for ZENWORKS LAUNCHER 19.2.2000 – Ron King *****



      Hope this helps.


      • #3767665

        2 instances of novell application explor

        by shanepj ·

        In reply to 2 instances of novell application explor

        this is not in the script at all as we disabled them and we still get it. Also any user can log onto the machine and we still get the problem

      • #3767661

        2 instances of novell application explor

        by shanepj ·

        In reply to 2 instances of novell application explor

        this is not in the script at all as we disabled them and we still get it. Also any user can log onto the machine and we still get the problem

        Thank you for the suggestion!

    • #3768049

      2 instances of novell application explor

      by kharrison ·

      In reply to 2 instances of novell application explor

      I too have had this happen. In my case it was in two different login scripts, ie. in a individual and a container script. Also check profile login scripts. Do not assume that only one script is being executed. This can be especially confusing when profile scripts call other profile scripts.

      • #3767663

        2 instances of novell application explor

        by shanepj ·

        In reply to 2 instances of novell application explor

        this is not in the script at all as we disabled them and we still get it. Also any user can log onto the machine and we still get the problem

      • #3767662

        2 instances of novell application explor

        by shanepj ·

        In reply to 2 instances of novell application explor

        this is not in the script at all as we disabled them and we still get it. Also any user can log onto the machine and we still get the problem.

        Thank you for the suggestion!

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