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    A Diode is a rectifier question

    by rachelanne289 ·

    I am breaking this off into a separate thread so that I do not clutter up the sensor thread with my basic electrical questions.
    While asking about running LED’s from track voltage GRJ said
    “it’s almost as easy to run the LED’s off the AC, you just add a diode to protect against reverse polarity, the current limiting resistor, and the LED.”
    When I asked “Just a diode and resistor, you do not use a rectifier?”
    GRJ answered “A diode is a rectifier” :
    I understand this at a very basic level but do not understand why one would choose one solution over another.
    Is there a simple answer that would help me to decide in the future?


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      A short answer.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to A Diode is a rectifier question

      If needed, we use a full wave bridge and filter capacitor to avoid pulsations in the lighting. For example, video surveillance camera lighting.

      However, fewer people today use raw LEDs. We usually get a ready to use LED lamp and done.

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