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  • #3937572

    A new internet video 2

    by simonadam ·

    If I wanted to take a video or video clip from the internet and modify it into my own version, what would I have to do?

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    • #3938542
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      Why are you asking almost the same question repeatedly

      by Wizard57M-TR ·

      In reply to A new internet video 2

      They have these things on the internet called “search engines”! Marvelous inventions…duckduckgo, bing, yahoo, google…just to name a few. If YOU can’t be bothered to use one, why should IT pros do it for you? One question on a topic is one thing, but 3 or 4 and you become a nuisance. Use a search engine.
      Besides, many videos posted online are considered property of the original author…using any bits of them could run you afoul of copyright laws. After that, I’d expect your next series of questions to be along the lines of where to find a good lawyer for cheap.

      • #3938533

        reply to: Why are you asking almost the same question repeatedly

        by simonadam ·

        In reply to Why are you asking almost the same question repeatedly


      • #3938532

        reply to: Why are you asking almost the same question repeatedly

        by simonadam ·

        In reply to Why are you asking almost the same question repeatedly

        Also, I meant online video postings of TV shows, movies, music videos, and clips from them. Like ones that I grew up with. I mean how could I make my own fan made versions of them?

        • #3938529
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          Some of that will require a lawyer.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to reply to: Why are you asking almost the same question repeatedly

          If you look around Youtube and of course Google you can see there are limits to what you copy.

          -> I keep the following handy because imagine your consternation if you made a video about a Mustang car called “Eleanor.” You should google that one.

          It doesn’t matter if you created this all from scratch either. My bet is you would be shut down.

          -> I can’t guess what your goals are but hey, everyone has to start somewhere and today you have tools (google, youtube, etc.) that many of us didn’t have years ago.

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