A simple LAN Query
LockedHi Guys/Gals
I am trying to setup a lan at my place between 2 pcs. I have got 1 main PC and other secondary pc which i use sometime for taking backups.
my setup configuration is
secondary pc temporarily connected to main pc by crosswire cat5 cable (2meter in length).
ADSL cat5 cable temporarily connected to main pc (1m in length).only one of them is connected to main pc at a time as per the need of internet or backup.
i want to get rid of these frequent changing of the cables with my main pc.
one solution is get 3 way Ethernet Splitter Extender/coupler (all 3 females) unit to reconnect the setup in which i need not disconnect any cat5 cables and my main pc will have connection to both adsl and second pc simultaneously depending upon which i turn on ( ADSL or second pc).
now experts have to advice me on this scheme
if it will work and won’t damage any parts/pc/ports under any circumstances.
i am thinking to connect ADSL CAT wire and secondary pc’s cat wire in the 2 adjecent ports of the splitter. will connect the remaining port directly to my main pc by other cat5 cable (straight wired) a sort of Y shaped configuration.
Q1. will this scheme work successfully??
Q2 if i can keep on both ADSL and the second pc ON simultaneously and do file transfer to second pc as well as do surfing without damaging anything??