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  • #2252136

    Acer Aspire 1520 External Screen


    by dbonstow ·

    I have a friends Acer aspire 1520 with a broken screen. I can get into the setup menu F2 but as soon as windows loads the external screen turns off and the laptop screen turns on. You can not read anythin on the laptop screen. Pressing F5/6 does nothing. Any sugestions

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    • #2492832


      by dbonstow ·

      In reply to Acer Aspire 1520 External Screen


    • #2492762
      Avatar photo

      There may be a solution in the users manual

      by hal 9000 ·

      In reply to Acer Aspire 1520 External Screen

      Available for download here

      If all you want to do is bypass the internal screen the manual should have a solution in it if it’s possible. If not you’ll need to pull the HDD and save his data by fitting it to a USB Caddy and then plugging it into another computer that can read that Partition Type. You may be required to take Ownership of his data by following the directions here from M$

      And if the Files are encrypted you’ll need to save the Encryption Key/s by following M$ directions here

      Since this is purely a hardware issue you may have to remove the internal screen so the NB can not default to it or you may need to replace it with one that works. Generally on all NB’s there is a Function Key which switches between the Internal & External Monitor though I’m not sure if that will work at the very basic POST Level.


      PS you could try sticking something into the Micro Switch to make the NB think that it’s shut so it defaults to the external screen though it may also put the unit to sleep. I’m not sure with this particular model.

      • #2503391

        Almost There

        by dbonstow ·

        In reply to There may be a solution in the users manual

        Thanks for your sugestions, I have already removed the piece of plastic which makes the screen to turn off when the laptop lid is closed so this is not the problem. Removing the harddrive is fine if I am going to throw the laptop away but I was hoping to use it as a spare with an external screen pluged in as a permanant option thus continuing to use this machine. Is there some instructions for removing the internal screen somewhere

        • #2503367
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          Not really and even if you do

          by hal 9000 ·

          In reply to Almost There

          I’m not actually sure that it will not default to the In Built Monitor anyway. Acer isn’t overly forthcoming with service manuals and as I haven’t seen a Docking Station for one of these around anywhere I don’t suppose that they offer that option fully.

          About the only think that I can think of is if there is a Function Key to change the display from the internal to the external Monitor otherwise like most of the new NB’s i think that you are up against it. I’ve had to trash some perfectly good NB’s because of Screen Failures that just where not worth while repairing.


    • #2483447

      Still stuck on this

      by dbonstow ·

      In reply to Acer Aspire 1520 External Screen

      Any more sugestions I can only get to Set up once windows loads I can see nothing on the screen, I think I need to disable Nividia somehow?

    • #2509755

      Ditto with acer 1800

      by andyswarbs ·

      In reply to Acer Aspire 1520 External Screen

      My 1800’s screen “died” on me recently. Now I can use it on an external monitor only – yawn. Not sure yet what the internal screen problem is. But the initial symptoms include being able to view the BIOS setup pages on the internal monitor, but windows only appears on the external. Messing around with function keys or anything else to force or auto-select which screen is supposed to be active does nothing. Hmmm…

    • #2592754


      by marcus.teo ·

      In reply to Acer Aspire 1520 External Screen

      I have I had the same problem but with an acer aspire 3620. This is because the current hard drive setting is in FAT32. If you format it in NTFS F7 will work when you boot into windows.

      Good Luck

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