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  • #2187068

    Activity tracking on SQL Server


    by simpleyanish ·

    My problem is that job history for some of jobs created is being deleted by self or by someone.

    Is there any way we can capture all the activities automatically on SQL Server ?
    e.g users who logged in and out, activities done by them,time they worked for ,databases they worked on,statements they executed etc

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    • #3240098

      Reply To: Activity tracking on SQL Server

      by tony hopkinson ·

      In reply to Activity tracking on SQL Server

      Not sure you need all that.
      Create a table for storing the logging data.
      eg JobNumber, DateActioned ,UserName
      Add an on delete trigger to the jobs table and in it
      do an insert into your logging table with the required data. Should give you an idea of what your dbms thinks it’s being told to do.

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