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  • #2091460

    Add another hard drive


    by cmrober ·

    Can I change the drive letter of my present “C” Drive without destroying the data/programs on it? I want to add another drive (bigger) and have it as my primary drive (“C”). What would be the steps in doing this? Thanx

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    • #3879203

      Add another hard drive

      by parier ·

      In reply to Add another hard drive

      You can change the drive letter, but tchanging the drive letter wont cange what drive boots first, thats a littl emore complicated, but easy.

      Lot of options:

      IF you want to make the new drive C drive, you can copy all the date to the new andasign it as Primary Master.
      If you just want to add the new drive and a make it D drive (or if partitioned, it can be D thru Z) just set the drive as Primary Slave)
      You can partition your C drive as many time as you want and just add the new drive to be drive(s) d, e, f, etc. Your users won’t be able to tell whats drives are what, they will all look the same, for example, in My Computer if you had 2 hard drives each with two partitions, they would be:

      You can use the software that came with your new hard drive to copy the old boot drive Currently (C) to the new one and set it as primary master.

      Hard Drive 1 C and D Drive
      Hard Drive 2 E and F Drive
      CD-ROM 1 G Drive
      zip Drive 1 H Drive

      Not sure what your intentions? Reply back to

    • #3879200

      Add another hard drive

      by tbradley ·

      In reply to Add another hard drive

      The real easy answer to this is set your current drive from master to slave by changing the jumper on the drive. Add your new drive as a master. Fdisk and format the new drive, and make the partition active. The new one becomes c, and the old drive becomes d.

      Yet I don’t think this is exactly what you want to do. Do you plan on doing a fresh reload of windows on the new drive? What types of data/programs do you plan on saving on the original drive. Programs can’t be moved, they would have to be reloaded. Data can be moved easily. Do you have a Cd=rom, DVD, or internal Zip drive? What are their current drive letters, and do you want to keep them the same after you add the new drive?

      • #3880300

        Add another hard drive

        by cmrober ·

        In reply to Add another hard drive

        Thanx for the simple answer. Seem’s like just what I need and want to do.

    • #3879197

      Add another hard drive

      by dmiles ·

      In reply to Add another hard drive

      You can change the drive letters,but it will not affect the addition of a new drive.
      Install the new drive and if it will be used as the master or slave and partitioned will affect the drive letters if the larger drive is set as the boot drive and set active,when adding the new drive and during the formatting you set the bigger drive as the master by using the jumpers on the back of the drive and also setting the jumper on the old drive as a slave
      Format the new drive using Fdisk
      Insert startup disk and CDROM
      Boot-up system and hit SHIFT+F4
      Enable large drive support
      Use Maximum dos partition
      Create Primary dos partition and hit escape
      Choose to set active
      Now reboot system so changes can take effect
      Format C:\-at the command prompt
      The drive letters will change
      To insure,take the cables a loose from the present drive and install the new drive

    • #3879054

      Add another hard drive

      by faraz67 ·

      In reply to Add another hard drive

      You have to first make your new drive “C” and then set it at Primary Master and install your operating system on that and then set your current drive at Primary Slave. I think this is an easy thing to do.

    • #3880298

      Add another hard drive

      by cmrober ·

      In reply to Add another hard drive

      This question was closed by the author

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