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    • #2419768
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      I added an app to startup. Here’s where I placed it.

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Adding an app to run automatically at startup in Windows 10

      C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

      Now with all the variations that your Windows install may have, C might be some other letter and your user account name should not be yourname but your name.

      That said I find a lot of folk struggle in this area with copying in a shortcut to the app in question.

      -> HOWEVER, if the app relies on some service to start and that service is not active or in a delayed run setting, the app should not start. This would require you to know about DEPENDENCIES such as this beyond how to copy in a shortcut to the noted app.

      I wish there was a simple answer but here the article along with my knowledge about shortcuts and services worked fine.

      -> If you can’t make it work then deeper details are required such as what app?

      • #2419767

        Thank you, Bob, but still I have come across a roadblock.

        by zlzpqx ·

        In reply to I added an app to startup. Here’s where I placed it.


        I got the following on entering in the search window C:\Users\CGJ\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\. (Note: CGJ is my username.)


        Index of C:\Users\CGJ\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
        [parent directory]
        Name Size Date Modified
        8573cc.lnk 1.3 kB 4/12/19, 8:08:00 AM
        desktop.ini 174 B 6/17/20, 9:57:05 AM


        I could not at all figure out what to do next. Can you guide me further?

        Thank you!

        • #2419766
          Avatar photo

          That looks like the right place.

          by rproffitt ·

          In reply to Thank you, Bob, but still I have come across a roadblock.

          But since I can’t find what you wanted to put there I can’t offer more until I know what it is (app, etc.) you want to run at login.

        • #2419765

          More information which you sought

          by zlzpqx ·

          In reply to That looks like the right place.

          Thanks, Bob, for your follow-up.

          I would like in particular three apps, which I have installed in my PC, to start automatically after starting my PC: Thunderbird (email app), Vivaldi (browser app), and Lucky Reminder.

          I do have Chrome and Edge browsers also installed in my PC. I do not know at this time how to automatically start ANY app.

          (Just incidentally, I have been using Vivaldi browser for the last two years. I love it because of its many features which neither Edge nor Chrome has. I have also never encountered any glitches in its operation.)

        • #2419764

          When you look in the Startup folder.

          by proffitt ·

          In reply to More information which you sought

          1. What is there? (I see something from your prior answers but nothing like Thunderbird or those other apps.)
          Sometimes I encounter folk that never learned to create a shortcut and we find a tutorial for that.

          2. If you have say Thunderbird on the desktop, do you know how to copy it to the Startup folder?

          3. Remember that on some PCs the networking isn’t ready on startup so errors can be expected.

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