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  • #3937734

    Adding words to Windows 10 handwriting recognition

    by mschul ·

    How can I add words to the list of words that are recognized by the Windows 10 handwriting recognition?

    My office recently switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10. We waited as long as we could to make the switch solely because the handwriting in Windows 10 is stunningly inferior to Windows 7. Users in my office use handwriting recognition to enter text into web-based forms. (The hardware is a mix of Surface Pros and Fujitsu tablets.) The most serious problem is that Windows 10 stubbornly refuses to allow words that it doesn’t recognize, which includes most terminology specific to our industry. I’ve seen people in our office write a word, after which Windows “corrects” it, then the user fixes the word, only to have Windows again “correct” it to a word it knows. I know Windows is supposed to learn new words, but from our experience, it never actually does.

    Is there a way to add a word to the dictionary for Windows 10 handwriting recognition so that it actually recognizes the word? We’ve tried the built-in training ink training app, and from what we can tell, that just teaches Windows to better recognize the words that it already knows.

    Alternatively, is there a third-party product that can replace the built-in Windows handwriting recognition?

    Thanks for the help.

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