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  • #3990902

    Alternatives to Word and Excel

    by datlasr12 ·

    What alternatives to Word and Excel do you use for requirements specification?

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    • #3990913
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      Re: alternatives for Word and Excel

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      For parts of the specification that are text or tables, I can use Writer and Calc from LibreOffice.

      When speaking about flows, diagrams, screen designs and such Word and Excel are very bad choices. I wouldn’t describe tools for those parts of the specification as alternatives for those programs, but as wholly different tools.

    • #3991219

      Use Google Docs & Google Sheets

      by safnah ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      Hi datlasr12

      you can use Google Docs & Google Sheets if you are connected online

      or LibreOffice as offline version.

    • #3991916

      Google sheets & docs is best fit for you!

      by evelynwminnick ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      In my opinion, the most popular web application developed by Google is Google Sheets and Docs as well as the best alternative to Word and Excel. Another software in the market is LibreOffice which is also popular in the field of office productivity offline software.

    • #3992360

      Best Alternatives to Word and Excel

      by markanderson264 ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      Alternatives to Word:
      Google Docs
      WPS Office Writer

      Alternatives to Excel:
      Google sheets
      Zoho Sheet
      Apache OpenOffice

    • #3992364

      Re: Alternatives to Word and Excel

      by blakeryan744 ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      Google Docs and Google Sheets are by far the best alternatives to microsoft word and excel.

    • #3994319

      Reply To: Alternatives to Word and Excel

      by logandavid ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      Google Sheets and Google Docs, plus it’s all on cloud.

    • #3996191

      Reply To: Alternatives to Word and Excel

      by Willjoe24 ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      Apache OpenOffice.
      Kingsoft WPS Office.
      SSuite Office.
      Google’s productivity apps.
      Microsoft Office Online.
      iWork for iCloud.


    • #3996936

      Reply To: Alternatives to Word and Excel

      by lyinmiklies ·

      In reply to Alternatives to Word and Excel

      The testing process is essential for software developers. Defects can prove costly for a business. If bugs are not detected in the early stages, developers will have to go through the coding process again. In addition to unit testing, software developers can perform integration testing to test the system’s interaction with external systems. Validation testing, on the other hand, focuses on checking the final product to make sure it matches requirements and is of quality.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Avatar photokees_b.
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