Analog modem does handshake but hangs up with “no carrier”
I have a dial-up/analog modem I am trying to connect to, from a program I use to call other analog modems for work. We are testing this new brand to replace these other ones (can you believe we are still using analog modems), but their tech support has not been too helpful. I have barely any experience with these AT commands and have been using old legacy AT commands that are proven to work with the other modems (that we are replacing.) Anyways, if anyone knows a thing about AT commands, my situation is that I have gotten the modem to answer and start the initial handshake, but instead of the ‘normal’ handshake it sounds like three distinct tones (like its searching?) and then disconnects. I then get the a “No Carrier” reply. Any suggestions on s-registers or other variables to change/tweak in the modem?