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  • #2145108

    Android Devices

    by smith_j100 ·

    I’ve heard people saying that the reason they prefer Apple phones IOS because they are very secure as compared to Android. IOS does not allow app owner the access to user data on the phone and android does.

    Is that true?

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    • #2422968

      They do not know what they are talking about

      by oh smeg ·

      In reply to Android Devices

      Both IOS and Droid allow access to User Details to App Developers this is where the real money in developing Apps is and what the big players in the market want.

      Look at the basics IOS is BSD with a Interface developed for Apple by it’s basic design it’s very secure and if you keep it up to date with all the newest BSD Updates it will remain that way within it’s defines limitations.

      Droid is a developed Linux which is again Secure by it’s basic design and provided you keep it updated with the newest Droid Updates it will remain that way within it’s Design Limits.

      Neither of these OS’s allow the Apps access to the Root Partition of the HDD so they can not change the basic paramaters of the system and they do not allow anythign to be installed which the user doesn’t approve but both system allow any software access to the User Data as aposed to the Root of the Hard Disc Drive/Storage Device. It all depends on what the App Developer wanted to get their grubby hands onto as to what they wrote into the app and what it takes. Apple has a single source of Apps which have to be sent to the App Store and Approved By Apple which may or may not make it less likely to take user data while Droid is a more open enviroment and doesn’t always have the same limitations but no matter what neither will allow any App access to the Root of the Storage Device in use without asking for the Password from the user.

      If they are using this argument to make out that what happened to Face Book Users Data can not happen on their prefered OS they are misleading people as what Face Book did with Cambridge Analtica was well within the User Agreement of FB as well as Apple and Droid and as such FB did nothing wrong as they had been given permission to do what they did by those users who’s details where allowed into CA’s hands.

      The question there was not did the users GIVE PERMISSION but was it reasonable for FB to demand rights like this to use their service.

      Just remember no matter what is claimed Both FB and Google have similar User Agreements and they can basicially do as they please if they want to make money that way.

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