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  • #2142249

    Android smart projector not connecting to apps properly

    by timmy g 1985 ·


    Hi there,

    I need help from people in the know about my Toumei V7 DLP Android Smart Projector
    I’m trying to connect to the google play store and I’ve entered my account details correctly. It just pops up with server error. I’ve tried to find out how to update google play services but can’t seem to find out how
    It’s running 9.6.11 ALK at the moment but I think that’s outdated?

    Also when I try to use apps like 9Now or Netflix on airplay from my iPhone it just cuts out. I have downloaded 9Now onto the actual projector as well but it says it needs an update but I can’t see any settings to update on my projector (searched every file or setting on there)

    Can anyone help with these topics?

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    • #2417937

      Android smart projector not connecting to apps properly

      by deborasumopayroll ·

      In reply to Android smart projector not connecting to apps properly

      First and foremost, check to see if your projector has an app that can be used with it. This is by far, the most pain free solution if it’s possible. Brand name projectors like Panasonic may have apps that allow you to connect via a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth network and project a screenshot of what’s on your Android. If you can’t find an app on the Google Play website, have a look at the website of the company that made your projector or the documentation.

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