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  • #2141981

    Any free utility that can recover PDF Files emptied from trash on macOS Cat

    by lisatailor2019 ·



    I am looking for a free utility for Mac that can retrieve accidentally trashed PDFs file that was approx 300 MB. Any lead would be appreciated! Please help!

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    • #2419441

      I’m not sure there is any effective free data recovery software

      by yuanyasmine ·

      In reply to Any free utility that can recover PDF Files emptied from trash on macOS Cat

      I’m not sure there is any effective free data recovery software. Even with paid software, there’s no guarantee you will recover everything. You will need a large enough external drive to recover. I’ve used iBoysoft Data Recovery: (link removed by moderator)l. It’s not completely free, which is only free for 1GB. But I think it’s enough for your need.

    • #2416390

      free recovery tools aren’t for newbies and users with minimal knowledge

      by yuanyasmine ·

      In reply to Any free utility that can recover PDF Files emptied from trash on macOS Cat

      There are free recovery tools, and I’d even classify them as being “good”, but they aren’t for newbies and users with minimal knowledge of how a computer works. e.g.


      They can recover deleted PDF files. It’s also capable of recovering other types of deleted files as long as the file header for that file type is known to the program.

      I’m afraid that, as with anything, you get what you pay for.
      For anyone who is not compatible with the command-line tools, I would recommend iBoysoft Data Recovery. It is easy to use and free to download. Besides, the software can recover data up to 1 GB for free, which is enough to meet your needs.

      I hope it was work.

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