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  • #2141386

    Any good suggestion for company reference storage tool?

    by jfrus ·


    Are you aware of any good solution which would offer possibility to store business use cases or references for future purposes? By references I mean the cases company has accomplished. Obviously cloud solution would be most ideal. I couldn’t find any such tools….

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    • #2413398
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      Re: store

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Any good suggestion for company reference storage tool?

      What’s wrong with OneDrive or Gdrive?
      What’s wrong with a USB-stick?
      What’s wrong with burning them to a CD?

      But those aren’t *tools*. Those a media. What do you mean with a tool?

      • #2413393

        Any good suggestion for company reference storage tool?

        by jfrus ·

        In reply to Re: store

        By tool i mean sofware or could service where end users could store case references (most in text format) but some picture from time to time. Therefore excel is not very useful in my opinion. I am not sure if some press release software would serve the purpose.

    • #2414133

      Reference Management Software

      by jenniemiller ·

      In reply to Any good suggestion for company reference storage tool?

      Some of this Best Reference Management Software you should know about this.

      Mendeley: Mendeley is a desktop and web program for managing and sharing research papers, discovering research data and collaborating online.

      ReadCube Papers: Papers offers a robust cross-platform suite of reference management & discovery tools that can dramatically improve the way researchers find, access, organize, read, annotate, share, and cite research literature.

      EasyBib: EasyBib provides citation, note-taking and research tools. EasyBib offers free and premium services for individuals and institutions.

      Zotero: Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.

      Reference Manager: Reference Manager is the powerful bibliographic solution for workgroups, networks and collaborative projects. Search online databases, organize references easily, and watch your bibliography appear as you write.

    • #2413015

      Storage Solution for Company

      by old molases ·

      In reply to Any good suggestion for company reference storage tool?

      There are multiple cloud solutions that you can choose from. These providers will allow you to store and access data from anywhere for instant use. I’ll list down the options from cheapest to the most expensive
      1. Ivacy – free cloud storage + business vpn for $2.45/month
      2. Apple: 200GB for $3/month
      3. Google: 200GB for $3/month
      4. Amazon – 1TB for $5/month
      5. IDrive: 5TB $5.79/month

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