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  • #4261433

    Are we too dependent on A.I?

    by JustSomeGuy42 ·

    Hi, I was wondering if any one thinks that we are too dependent on A.I, and how much should we really use it in our daily lives?

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    • #4261496
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      Reply To: Are we too dependent on A.I?

      by birdmantd ·

      In reply to Are we too dependent on A.I?

      Yes, especially with spam BOTS asking silly questions.

    • #4261616
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      Reply To: Are we too dependent on A.I?

      by kees_b ·

      In reply to Are we too dependent on A.I?

      Tell us how much you use it in your daily life and why.

    • #4261745
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      Will the real A.I. stand up?

      by rproffitt ·

      In reply to Are we too dependent on A.I?

      So far I only see machine learning and large language models.

    • #4264063

      Reply To: Are we too dependent on A.I?

      by garloom26 ·

      In reply to Are we too dependent on A.I?

      I believe that there are a handful of people that are dependent on it. But many people, like me, are not. It depends on your moral values and work ethic in some cases such as a school setting. Many kids are using AI to do their work for them, this makes people less intelligent in the long run and is horrible for this generation.

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