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  • #2079385

    AS/400 to Excel to Email


    by kathleen.f.gonzalez ·

    I need to set up an automatic process that will take database files from the AS/400, import into Excel to be formatted (macro?), and then email to a specified recipient list. I’ve found several products that will do this with spool files, but not much for db files. Any ideas?

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    • #3773774

      AS/400 to Excel to Email

      by lump_16 ·

      In reply to AS/400 to Excel to Email

      I’m very new to the AS/400.
      AS/400 and Excel files are 2 differnet formats arn’t they?

      I’d like to know a bit more about how that process works too.

      Brian Wright
      Computer Information Systems student
      Terra Community college
      Fremont, Ohio

    • #3773713

      AS/400 to Excel to Email

      by melodyj ·

      In reply to AS/400 to Excel to Email

      Perhaps Access is your answer… You could create a macro that imports/links the file using the file spec that you create and then send the file out in .XLS format (sendobject).


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