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  • #2074383

    ASP and DLL


    by gengle ·

    I would I shell to a native DLL within an ASP page? Everything I’ve found on the web are ActiveX dll’s and the createobject command won’t work for native DLLs. For example I wish to call a function in the “user32.dll” or whatever. To be honest I’ll be making a few native DLLs that will be doing some maintance on the website and one of the functions will be emailing members information when they login/logout etc.

    anything like vb’s Declare statement? HELP!!! 🙂

All Comments

  • Author
    • #3766122

      ASP and DLL

      by halleyc ·

      In reply to ASP and DLL

      Create a ASP Component which will call function in user32.dll. You call the ASP component at your asp script.

      • #3788714

        ASP and DLL

        by gengle ·

        In reply to ASP and DLL

        to much over head. Why create a COM componet to just wrap a native DLL that it going to be 1 to 2 megs of memory in the computer?

    • #3766092

      ASP and DLL

      by wayne m. ·

      In reply to ASP and DLL

      I believe the only way to do this is to create an ActiveX/COM wrapper which calls the desired DLL. VBScript is just a limited subset of VB and I don’t believe it supports calling DLLs.

      If you want to dig further, try posting a question at:

      Just look for the appropriate group; I think there is a scritping newsgroup to ask.


      • #3788715

        ASP and DLL

        by gengle ·

        In reply to ASP and DLL

        to much overhead

    • #3789472

      ASP and DLL

      by jkurtz ·

      In reply to ASP and DLL

      The easiest way I have found to accomplish something like this is to create an ActiveX DLL that is merely a wrapper for what you want to do in the native DLL.

      The concept is to have the ActiveX DLL call the native DLL and return whatever result you are looking for.

      Hope that helps.

      Jerry Kurtz

      • #3788716

        ASP and DLL

        by gengle ·

        In reply to ASP and DLL

        to much over head, I think the best way is to use STDOUT/STDIN with a CGI app to run it

    • #3788798

      ASP and DLL

      by amieveryours ·

      In reply to ASP and DLL

      Since you are calling a DLL files within a web server and you want it to run as an instance on the server, you would use Set varname = Server.CreateObject(“”) ex.
      Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”) where proID is the name of the ado15.dll file and the interface you called is Connection interface of the ado15.dll file. So for you to call your own DLL file you must call your proID or its GUID using Server.CreateObject(“”). If you created the DLL files using VBthen the proID is the name of the project and the interface is the name of the class file. The default project when you create is project1 with a default of one class with name of class1 so to call the dll file you would use Set varname = Server.CreateObject(“project1.class1”). Also remember to register the dll files in you web server before you use it. use regsvr32 file.ext. ex) regsvr32 new.dll

      Please note: if you program the dll file on the web server then it is automatically registered on the server. I hope

      • #3788717

        ASP and DLL

        by gengle ·

        In reply to ASP and DLL

        I said no COM/OLE. I am programming NATIVE dlls, that won’t work with regsvr32, only com objects do. GUID’s aren’t placed in native DLLs and I don’t wish them to be. The only reason I would have to make a guid is if I made a odl file and compiledit into a TLB file for VB. But still thats not COM

    • #3788797

      ASP and DLL

      by amieveryours ·

      In reply to ASP and DLL

      Continue from above: Sample.dll

      Public function login(email As String) As Integer
      If email = tempemail Then
      login = 1
      End If
      End Function

      dll file = email.dll
      project name = email
      class name = check
      compiled and register: regsvr32 email.dll

      in ASP page:
      <% Set obj = Server.CreateObject("email.check") login = = "" If login = 1 Then Response.Write "You are a valid user." Else Response.Write "Email Error!" End If %>

      • #3788718

        ASP and DLL

        by gengle ·

        In reply to ASP and DLL

        I said no COM/OLE, native. regsvr32 won’t work on native DLLs, these DLLs aren’t programmed in VB at all or any COM/OLE environment.

    • #3788796

      ASP and DLL

      by amieveryours ·

      In reply to ASP and DLL

      error correction:

      login = = “”

      should be

      login =“”)

      • #3788719

        ASP and DLL

        by gengle ·

        In reply to ASP and DLL

        I said NO COM/OLE, thank you.

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