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  • #2140830

    Audio Stream Times Out

    by c319chris ·


    Here is a weird phenomenon I’ve encountered and don’t have an explanation for.

    I am running an icecast stream with Daniel’s excellent program, BUTT. OS is Windows 10.

    If I play my stream using a web browser (http://localhost:8000/stream), the audio plays just fine, but times out after about 2.5 hours of play. The audio is still streaming because I can manually restart playback just by refreshing the browser. I have tried Chrome and Microsoft Edge and they both quit after a couple of hours.

    I tried making an HTML5 web page which links to my stream — same thing. About 2.5 hours of uptime is all you get.

    I have streamed on-line radio stations which bring up a built-in player and they play for hours and hours and do not time out. It’s only when I play my icecast stream that it times out.

    I don’t know anything about these online players the radio stations use. They may be a creation of the streaming service Triton.

    I have tried playing my local stream with Foobar 2000 and have gotten over 48 hours of uptime.

    I tried playing my audio stream in the Opera browser and sure enough, it stopped after 2:49:22, similar to the other two browsers I’ve tried.

    BUTT says it is still streaming. When I click on the “play” arrow on the web page, the audio starts right back up, suggesting that the problem is with the player and not the outgoing stream.

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