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  • #2144839

    Authentication Problems

    by aigini82 ·


    I have successfully setup an SSO (frontend) application. This app is connected to a postgresql DB (backend). However the problem is when I try to login, I get error “Invalid Authentication Information”. I strongly think that it is some configuration on the application side, because the database that I am using is an existing one which can be successfully connected/authenticated with using the previous application, which I am trying to upgrade now.
    My appliance is built such a way that it has an Identity Provider(gateway) and a Service Provider (SAML2) which are connected two different Identity Sources respectively (In-Built & External DBs). The Service Provider is connected to the Tomcat Execution Environment.
    The signature hash that I have setup for both the Identity Provider and the Service Provider is ‘SHA1’ and the Authentication Hash Algorithm and Hash Encoding I have used ‘Plain Text’
    Please suggest some ways to troubleshoot and resolve this problem?

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