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  • #2072861

    Auto Execute of Rdisk at shutdown


    by jhook ·

    Over a period of time a couple of users here have booted up to find that part of the registry corrupt. It’s usually the Software Hive. I want to back up the registry locally every time they shut down. Then if I need to I can use NTFSDOS to make a repair disk from their machine to restore their current registry settings. Is there something I can do to run executables at shut down?


    Joe Hook

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    • #3782767

      Auto Execute of Rdisk at shutdown

      by jewright ·

      In reply to Auto Execute of Rdisk at shutdown

      Running this at shutdown might not be such a hot idea because whatever caused the corruption would be captured in the RDISK.

      You would be better off running the RDISK command in the startup group or from the run section of the registry. This will only work if your users have admin. rights.

      You maybe even more happy running RDISK from the AT command because this can be done as adminisrator and you don’t need to give your users admin rights.
      By using the AT command, the user will also never see that the RDISK process is running and can not stop it.

      E-Mail me if you need help

      • #3783303

        Auto Execute of Rdisk at shutdown

        by jhook ·

        In reply to Auto Execute of Rdisk at shutdown

        Thanks so much for your answer! However, I should have given more information. The goal was to avoid running anything else at startup, because we are already hitting the users with a lot of updates via the log-in script. Running it with the AT command would have still incurred a possible slow down in performance during their work. It was determined that the risk of registry corruption is highest if a dump occurs during the day. Also we wanted it to happen when the user would be oblivious (when they shut down and walk away from the system). We found a shareware program in the Resource Kit that does what we need using the shutdown/log-off script.

        Thanks Again!


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