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  • #2082108

    Auto Increment PCL filename


    by howardl ·

    I’m printing 500 – 600 invoices per day. We are installing a new imaging system and would like these invoices printed to a PCL file. I’ve set up the ‘virtual’ printer where the invoices are now printing to files; however, I’m being prompted for a new file name for each invoice.

    Is there a way to auto-increment these file names?

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    • #3896490

      Auto Increment PCL filename

      by malcolm.sargeant ·

      In reply to Auto Increment PCL filename

      are the invoices printed from a commercial accounting package or did you write the code.
      If you have the source code we can make a start on solving this problem

    • #3899360

      Auto Increment PCL filename

      by al macintyre ·

      In reply to Auto Increment PCL filename

      I am not familiar with your system.

      You probably will want to be able to get at your invoice images based on the invoice # … in other words if each invoice ends up in one image file, then you want a naming convention that includes the invoice #in the name, so you can access images by the invoice #

      If several invoices end up in one image, then same deal … you probably want a name that “says” some range of invoices.

      If you do not have access to the source code, you may be doing someting illegal & will need to verify that you have a legal right to be modifying the data flow.

      If you are able to “get at” the data in the virtual image “before” it goes to the file, then you want to “parse” the information that is in the virtual image to extract the invoice # & include it in the naming of the file.

      Then when you access the image file in the future, anyone can access the image for a particular invoice, because it is part of the name of the image.

      The question of auto-indexing records or file

    • #3735009

      Auto Increment PCL filename

      by howardl ·

      In reply to Auto Increment PCL filename

      This question was auto closed due to inactivity

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