automate on-premises to AWS cloud
I have questions about automation from on-premise to cloud
How can I found information about response time for on-premises to cloud, performance, accuracy, complexity, price with the model below
I need to compare them which AWS manage services (AWS manage for us everything), on-manage (We do by ourselves everything), and hybrid (Select some part to do by ourselves and some leave AWS to manage for us)
which one is the best choice for automation on-premises to cloudMy model uses
DNS Routh53
CDN Cloud Front
Internet proxy connector
AWS Data Sync Agent
Elastic Cache
AWS Cloud watch
AWS Firewall manager
Key management service
On-premise to Cloud Automation. my case is university website they have all database in on-premise, At that time, the CPU is a peak of over 80%. I need to have an automated tool to auto-generate EC2(CPU) in AWS from on-premise to cloud when the CPU peak over 80%, and after the CPU comes back to 70%. Could you please help me to understand more about AWS?Moreover, if someone has any model recommend, or where can I find the related information. Actually, I want 3 solutions for on-premises to AWS with performance, response time, Price, accuracy, complexity. it should be cost-effective.
I have found information from websites articles, but I cannot compare it together, because it from different industries and models.
Do you have any Academic Article website recommendations for solutions? or any idea for the solution.Thank you for your further information support.