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  • #2143735

    Automation testing

    by priti1 ·


    what is automation testing, automation testing tools etc.

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    • #2421596

      what is automation testing, automation testing tools

      by robertluther ·

      In reply to Automation testing

      Automation testing differs from manual testing where a human being is responsible for single-handedly testing the functionality of the software in the way a user would. Because automated testing is done through an automation tool, less time is needed in exploratory tests and more time is needed in maintaining test scripts while increasing overall test coverage.

      The benefit of manual testing is that it allows a human mind to draw insights from a test that might otherwise be missed by an automated testing program. Automated testing is well-suited for large projects; projects that require testing the same areas over and over; and projects that have already been through an initial manual testing process.

      Automation testing Tools –
      Top 10 automation testing tools which can help you meet your testing objectives perfectly
      Telerik Test Studio
      Visual Studio Test Professional
      QTP (UFT)

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