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  • #2108834

    Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?


    by brasilia ·

    Is there documentation or a figure for the average number of calls to a helpdesk per USER? Is there an industry standard figure? If so, where can I find it documented? Thanks in advance.

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    • #3856916

      Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

      by dmoufarrege ·

      In reply to Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

      That number varies greatly by environment. I have designed a number of Help Desks, both in the product support and the corporate (enterprise) environment and consult in that space.
      If you can provide some more detailed data I can take a crack at answering that question.

      – David Moufarrege

      • #3698457

        Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

        by brasilia ·

        In reply to Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

        We have approx 800 users in our company, and we’d like to know what the average numbers of calls we should expect per user. It’s a “mixed” environment – some very savvy
        users (many are research scientists in technical fields), along with some lesssavvy users.

        Do you require any other information? Whatever you can provide would be helpful. Thank you.

        • #3683750

          Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          by dmoufarrege ·

          In reply to Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          The average number of calls varies greatly based on the users (a question you answered), the desktop environment (i.e. OS, type of machines, applications, etc.) the NOS, (NT, NetWare, etc.), use of the Internet and email (what e-mail server), and ifthe desk does more than IT calls – anything from productivity support (how-to) to telephony and facilities issues.

          Once I know more about that I might be able to help you pin point this closer. Send me those numbers and I’ll take a look.

          – David

        • #3890496

          Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          by brasilia ·

          In reply to Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          Here is the information you requested:

          Desktop environment: mixed – win9x, nt4, win2k, unix, mac
          NOS: NT
          Heavy use of internet
          Email – pop3 server running on solaris; netscape preferred client
          No telephony or facilities issues


        • #3890292

          Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          by dmoufarrege ·

          In reply to Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          Without doing a closer analysis you need to take these numbers as rough guidelines:

          Given industry averages for your type of environment you will likely be looking at .5 to 1.0 calls per user per month.
          If you provide productivity support (how-to) the number may be higher but you will save on peer-to-peer support hidden costs.

          – David

        • #3684666

          Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          by brasilia ·

          In reply to Avg number of Helpdesk calls per user?

          Thank you for providing a rough analysis and for the additional input/comments.

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