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  • #2091472

    Bad Clusters?


    by cadaversociety ·

    How do I repair two bad sectors on my hard drive? I have two clusters that are bad on a Maxtor hard drive that is not even two months old. Is there a program that can repair this problem? I am assuming that there is overwritten data in this area, I have ran scandisk 3x, Norton disk doctor, and Fix-it utilities 3.0. Nothing is resolving my problem. The first time I ran scandisk, it fixed the problem, but, I could not defrag my drive. So I had to use my backup disk to get the defrag to work. WhenI did that, I had two bad clusters again.

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    • #3879206

      Bad Clusters?

      by dmiles ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      If the above utilities are not working
      Use a unconditional format-FORMAT C:\U,then use FORMAT C:\MBR to reset the settings
      Why if only two months old return to manufacturer for replacement?

      • #3880225

        Bad Clusters?

        by cadaversociety ·

        In reply to Bad Clusters?

        I understand about contacting the manufacturer, but I do not think this is actually bad clusters. I think it is only overwritten data. I used thorough scandisk and the first time it was fixed. But I was not able to run defrag. I had a corrupt window98_64cab at the time. I fixed that now and I can not get the diskscan to unmark the clusters as bad. Thankyou for your time, but, I do not want to run a format. are there alternatives?

    • #3880085

      Bad Clusters?

      by tubaman ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      My suggestion is to go to http://grc/com

      There .. purchase SPINRITE .. it should fix your HDD … it is the best program I know of for fixing bad clusters/sectors …

      Good luck


    • #3879454

      Bad Clusters?

      by cadaversociety ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      This question was closed by the author

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