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  • #2091473

    Bad Clusters?


    by cadaversociety ·

    How do I repair two bad sectors on my hard drive? I have two clusters that are bad on a Maxtor hard drive that is not even two months old. Is there a program that can repair this problem? I am assuming that there is overwritten data in this area, I have ran scandisk 3x, Norton disk doctor, and Fix-it utilities 3.0. Nothing is resolving my problem. The first time I ran scandisk, it fixed the problem, but, I could not defrag my drive. So I had to use my backup disk to get the defrag to work. WhenI did that, I had two bad clusters again.

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  • Author
    • #3879233

      Bad Clusters?

      by kth11 ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      Are you using a thurough scandisk or just a scan?

      • #3880224

        Bad Clusters?

        by cadaversociety ·

        In reply to Bad Clusters?

        I only used thorough scandisk, I assumed it was a given. Thankyou for your time

    • #3879202

      Bad Clusters?

      by dmiles ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      Make sure that you are doing a through scandisk and the box to repair errors is checked
      The other option will be to backup data and then run a Unconditional format-FORMAT C:\U,then FORMAT C:\MBR,to reset the settings
      Why if only two months old youhave not contacted the manufacturer for return?

    • #3879029

      Bad Clusters?

      by computechie ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      Bad sectors are usually un-repairable. The only thing Scandisk does is see’s those bad sectors and marks them as bad so your computer doesn’t write in those bad areas and cause data loss. One thing that MIGHT work is doing a low level format, but I wouldn’t advise doing it, as I’ve seen a low level format render a drive dead. If the drive is only two months old, you might see about sending it back, if you’ve got 2 bad sectors now, more could pop up in the near future. I have a Quantum drive that has about 4 bad sectors now, but they won’t take it back until it has about a dozen or so, but maybe Maxtor is nicer about exchanging HD’s.
      Hope this helps.

    • #3880118

      Bad Clusters?

      by greg.ahler ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      I’d just send the thing back and get a replacement. I’ve never seen a drive with bad sectors get anything but worse. In that respect, I’d agree with the second half of the 3rd answer.

    • #3879869

      Bad Clusters?

      by scott_fultz ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      You might try a low-level format. Just be sure to go to Maxtor’s website and get it directly from them. Be sure to back up anything important on the drive first. After a low level format, you will have to do an F-Disk, then a Dos/Windows format.
      Ifthis doesnt do the trick, then try returning the drive to Maxtor.

    • #3879283

      Bad Clusters?

      by bv2 ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      Run thorough scandisk repeatedly until it shows no errors. If it continually shows errors, the HDD is failing (although new) and should be replaced under warranty. If you end up with more than 3 or 4 bad clusters, I’d get a warranty replacement anyway.

    • #3879276

      Bad Clusters?

      by cadaversociety ·

      In reply to Bad Clusters?

      This question was closed by the author

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