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  • #2074318

    bad mouse


    by steve.doig ·

    After changing motherboards, my MS mouse fails to work.
    1. mouse works on other PC
    2. no I/O conflicts or address conflicts
    3. choosing to add a MS serial mouse will add (after reboot) a MS mouse and a generic serial mouse. The MS mouse has “notpresent, not working, or does not have all drivers installed properly” while the generic appears OK.
    Neither mouse works.
    4. Using an ISA card’s serial ports makes no difference.
    5. Reinstalling Windows makes no difference.

    I need some help here



All Comments

  • Author
    • #3766464

      bad mouse

      by avachon ·

      In reply to bad mouse

      Hi Steve, you certainly have tried all the basic troubleshooting methods (even reinstalling!). Okay, by default, then, I’m thinking it’s hardware related. Have you tried using a good diagnostic utility that will check your subsystems? You may want to read reviews about AMI AMIDIAG 6.0 which runs in dos mode (so it can access all subsystems). You can read more about it on (under ultilities, search for this one). Others are listed, so you may want to try some freebies first. I don’t know what windows you are running but Check-IT by touchstone is good for 98 and zdnet has some freebies for 95. AMI also thoroughly tests memory in case there is some small glitch there. Hope this helps.

      • #3789460

        bad mouse

        by steve.doig ·

        In reply to bad mouse

        Ended up being a bad 2nd hand Motherboard and
        its serial port controller.

    • #3766397

      bad mouse

      by syscokid ·

      In reply to bad mouse

      This sounds similar to what happened to me. My ps/2 mouse stopped working, but I was able to use a serial mouse.

      Anyway, it turned out to be the Sub Seven trojan, which McAfee failed to detect. Removed the trojan, my ps/2 mouse worked again. Look in your Windows directory for

    • #3766331

      bad mouse

      by mphoffar ·

      In reply to bad mouse

      I would see if I have mouse support in the bios screen. Mouse boards some sort of mouse support in that area, but not all of them.

      If it doesn’t work there, and the board does support that feature, I would be trying the following.

      1. The cable is inbackwards and you need to turn it around.

      2. Something is shorting the conncetor or you just have a bad connector.

      3. You’re using the old Com port connector. Granted these should be interchangable, but I’ve seen boards that require the connectors they sent with the board.

      4. Some boards have a bios feature to assign an IRQ to a modem. I would turn that off.

      Good luck to you


      • #3789462

        bad mouse

        by steve.doig ·

        In reply to bad mouse

        Will probably help in the future

    • #3789072

      bad mouse

      by fofa ·

      In reply to bad mouse

      If you delete all mice, will Windows autodetect the mouse? If not you may have your port disabled in your bios, or a hardware error. Have you tried a different mouse just make sure the mouse works, the “It worked before” theory does not always hold true with hardware.

    • #3789467

      bad mouse

      by seedy ·

      In reply to bad mouse

      does another mouse work on that system?

      • #3789464

        bad mouse

        by steve.doig ·

        In reply to bad mouse

        nope – no ps/2 ports

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